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Fibromyalgia Education & Awareness Month | Metro Video Tutorials | MetroCreativeConnection
Fibromyalgia Education & Awareness Month


Company: National Fibromyalgia Association
Web site:

When the National Fibromyalgia Association (NFA) started 16 years ago, their purpose was to bring awareness and legitimacy to fibromyalgia (FM). Over the years, the needs of the community grew and so did their concern for people affected by FM and those in the medical and research communities dedicated to helping such people.  The organization wanted to share with the media what it was like to live with FM so that others would become concerned and could help make sure things were moving forward so that people with FM would have better support, more effective treatments and a better quality of life. The ultimate goal has been and continues to be that through research and education everyone can learn the causes and how to treat, prevent and/or cure fibromyalgia

Although men can experience fibromyalgia, more so than not it is women who are affected. A women's health supplement can include information on fibromyalgia and other women-centered health issues.

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